Sunday 27 March 2011

Postcards and a heart

I have recently participated in a postcard swap organised by Vicki Welsh of 3 Creative Studios  The theme was 'The gilded Age' which I had to google as I had never heard of it.  It is the period in American history from the end of the civil war to about the turn of the century, spanning many new freedoms but also lots of excesses.  The card above came from Viv Manning in the UK.  She says on the back of the card that according to the Wiki site, the sewing machine 'did more than any other single development (until women's suffrage) to change the daily life of the average American woman'

I took as my theme the lavish interiors of the mansions of the tycoons.  I still have yet to receive a second postcard, will post a photo when it comes.  This was an interesting learning experience.

I forgot to show a photo of the lovely heart which Doreen gave me recently in Canberra.  The hand embroidery is really lovely.
The weather is VERY wet and miserable here with rain predicted to continue for hours yet.  Thank goodness Bill finally managed to mow the lawn yesterday, took about four hours of hard slog, the grass was so long and thick after over three weeks of wet weather.  You need floats on to go out there now.  This wet season has to end soon.
I don't know why blogger is not showing the photos when you log on, but if you click on the squares the enlarged photo shows up - I must have done something wrong, but I can't be bothered starting all over again.


  1. Great postcards Robin, and Doreen's heart is so pretty. I don't know what any of us would do without our sewing machines - I wouldn't like to be without mine. Hope your weather improves soon - we could do with some rain!

  2. Very nice PC Robin, and the heart from Doreen is just beautiful. I am another who loves the sewing machine, and felt lost when my two were away for a service. Hope the weather is soon more pleasant. It is very 'crisp' here this morning.

  3. Couldn't see the photo of the heart, but I am sure that whatever Doreen made it would be lovely. I like the postcards. This is an interesting subject to work on.

  4. congratulations Robin, Shirley has awarded you a Stylish Blog Award, for your great Blog, which she enjoys reading.

    For details go to

  5. Thank goodness you added the line about clicking on the squares or I would have missed the postcard and that gorgeous heart from Doreen. I'm getting back into hand sewing at the moment but still wouldn't be without my machine.

  6. Thank goodness you added the line about clicking on the squares or I would have missed the postcard and that gorgeous heart from Doreen. I'm getting back into hand sewing at the moment but still wouldn't be without my machine.


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