Sunday, 4 November 2012

Phone photos

 I forgot to put some text on top of this photo and with the new version of blogger I can't move it !  I have only just learned how to transfer photos from my phone to the computer and now I have to learn how to take proper photos with the phone as well - just for the times when I don't have my camera with me!
Jock and I were walking in  the Gardens.  If you double click on this photo you may be able to see the two waterbirds resting on the pump.  In the far distance is an old pumping station and in years gone by the flood waters came up to the bottom of the windows several times each wet season.  This hasn't happened since the Gardens have been opened, but I am sure it will again.
 This is the sign you see driving into the city along the Bruce Highway.
 And another closer view of the grass trees, which we used to call blackboys when I was a child.  The parrots absolutely love the flower spikes when they are in bloom, but they are past that now.
This teak tree was absolutely full of parrots, but of course they are all hiding! The noise was incredible.
Hot and dry here, with the faint possibility of a storm tonight, but I am not waiting, I am off to do some watering, then another walk later when it is a bit cooler.


  1. So nice to have a bit of warmth and sunshine while 'walking' through your lovely photos Robin. It is a dismal, cold and wet here but at least we have nothing to complain about in the light of the devastation and suffering caused by Hurricane Sandy.

  2. Lovely photos Robin seen through your spring sunshine. Just winding down at the end of an uncharacteristically sunny day for this time of the year.

  3. Aren't you clever getting your phone photos onto here. For some reason I can't transport mine with this new computer......... I love 'blackboys', see a lot of them driving from her to Kingaroy on the back roads. Wish I had one in the garden. Your photos are always so interesting Robin, I love seeing them. We've just noticed some visiting 'Belah Cockatoos', of the black kind....really lovely watching them munching on the hard nuts. Cheers.


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