Thursday 15 December 2011

Grandkids' activities

The two boys attended an activity session at the Botanic Gardens yesterday morning to make Christmas cards and decorations with Maya, the Education Officer.  She always has full classes and the kids have so much fun.  They were all concentrating very hard, in fact there was almost no talking - how amazing is that!

This photo does not really show how good the decorations looked - all the gold paint and glitter is on the sides of the leaves not visible!

Then there was a lot more concentration as they decided where to put decorations on the tree.  This was in the very early stages, LOTS more went on the tree after that!  They thought it looked beautiful when they had finished, so of course we did too - and I am sure they will not be visiting when I have to pack it away!  That is not nearly as interesting.
I have discovered the tree which I thought was a miserable specimen of the Hymenosporums with which I grew up is not that!  It is actually a tree ixora, I have no idea of its Latin name, and I don't know where it originates, but it has a glorious perfume.


  1. Anything that keeps youngsters quiet has got to be good. Their decorations look great

  2. Their decorations are so imaginative and I love the expressions on their faces as they concentrate on what they are doing.
    Bare feet and short sleeves - bliss. Here I am in Tshirt, sweater, scarf etc., and still cold.

  3. Just read your nice comment Robin. If you look at the top left of my blog you will see a link for 'Inspiripedia' which will take you to the blog for my coursework. All my photos for it are there.

  4. Great activities for the children Robin, and those decorations are always so much fun. Love the photograph of the boys working their magic on your tree. It is amazing how totally disinterested they are in the taking down........LOL.... We have 'emu apple' trees here flowering at the moment, and the perfume is glorious, quite musky in the evening.


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